
The registration period to the Lisbon Summer School in Linguistics 2022 is now open! Organized by Linguistics Research Centre of NOVA University (...)
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The LiFE research group of NOVA CLUNL is pleased to invite to the open conference Acoustic Prosodic Features in Children with Autism with Professor (...)
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O Centro de Linguística da Universidade NOVA de Lisboa convida todas as pessoas interessadas em questões de língua, linguística, psicologia, (...)
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Julie Mason, researcher and PhD student in LiFE group of NOVA CLUNL, is the invited speaker of the next webinar "Dar a Voz à Língua" Organized by (...)
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Ana Salgado, researcher of LLT group NOVA CLUNL, will soon defend her PhD thesis in Translation and Terminology entitled: "Terminological Methods in (...)
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Today is the HUGOD conference, a conference dedicated to discussing research paths and concrete solutions in the scope of the HUGOD - Humanities (...)
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