Oral presentation: “¿Cuánto sabe ChatGPT de Lexicografía?”

Iván Arias Arias, visiting researcher at CLUNL as part of his PhD, actively participated in one of the parallel sessions of the X International Congress of Hispanic Lexicography, which took place at the University of Murcia between the 22nd and the 24th of May.

In co-autorship with Professor María José Domínguez Vázquez (University of Santiago de Compostela), his principal supervisor, Iván presented the oral paper “How much does ChatGPT know about Lexicography? Aproximación estadístico-cualitativa a los datos lexicógraficos de ChatGPT en español” on May 24, 2024.

Find out more about this event at: https://eventos.um.es/104249/detail/x-congreso-internacional-de-lexicografia-hispanica-lvariacion-y-panhispanismo-en-lexicografiar.htmlhttps://cumbreflamencamurcia.wordpress.com