Oral presentation of the project CHAMUÇA

Ana Salgado, researcher from CLUNL’s LLT group, will be in Turin on May 25, 2024, to present the CHAMUÇA project, a project under development at CLUNL.

Entitled “CHAMUÇA: Towards a Linked Data Language Resource of Portuguese Borrowings in Asian Languages”, this paper results of the work of Fahad Khan, Ana Salgado, Isuri Anuradha, Rute Costa, Chamila Liyanage, John P. McCrae, Atul Kumar Ojha, Priya Rani and Francesca Frontini, and will be presented at the 9th Workshop on LDL – Linked Data in Linguistics: Resources, Applications, Best Practices, this year co-located with the LREC 2024 conference.

Further information: https://ldl2024.linguistic-lod.org/program.html