Lisbon Summer School and Graduate Conference in Linguistics
4-9 de julho de 2016
O CLUNL e a Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas da Universidade NOVA de Lisboa organizam a LISBON SUMMER SCHOOL AND GRADUATE CONFERENCE IN LINGUISTICS, aberta a todos os alunos graduados que queiram inscrever-se.
São oferecidos 10 cursos, 3 por área, em 3 áreas diferentes.
Cada curso vale 6 ECTS, podendo o aluno requerer avaliação para obtenção dos créditos
Psicolinguística e Gramática Generativa
Clause size
David Pesetsky – Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Abstract: We too easily become used to facts about language that should strike us as strange. One of these is the menagerie of clause-types and clause-sizes in the world\’s languages categorized with ill-understood labels such as finite, non-finite, full, reduced, defective, and worse. For almost a half-century, the standard approach to these distinctions has treated them as a consequence of lexical choice – a legacy of arguments by Kiparsky & Kiparsky (1970) and Bresnan (1972), who showed (1) that verbs that select a clausal complement select for the complementizer and finiteness of that complement, and (2) that finiteness and complementizer choice have semantic implications. In an early-1970s model of grammar in which selection and semantic interpretation were properties of Deep Structure, these discoveries directly entailed the lexicalist view of clause type that is still the standard view today. So compelling was this argument at the time, that its 1960s predecessor (Rosenbaum 1967) was all but forgotten – the idea that distinctions are derivationally derived as the by-product of derivational processes such as Raising. As a consequence, it has gone unnoticed that in a modern model of grammar, where structure is built by Merge (and both selection and semantic interpretation are interspersed with syntactic operations), the arguments against the derivational theory no longer go through.
In this class, I will present a series of arguments from a number of languages and many different empirical domains for a modernized return to a derivational theory. We will examine a number of puzzles that have been described as conundrums for case theory, complementizer-trace phenomena, anti-Agreement effects, control theory, and more. I will argue for a shift of perspective that views these puzzles as questions about the circumstances under which a clause must be reduced in the course of the derivation – rather than as an issue of the licensing of elements within the clause (while taking for granted the fact that it is reduced).
The key, I will argue, is an operation called Exfoliation that removes outer layers of of a phase as a last resort to establish locality between a clause-external probe and a clause-internal goal that cannot be established in any other way.
The Psycholinguistics of Grammar
Colin Phillips – University of Maryland
Abstract: This course will focus on how speakers encode and navigate linguistic representations in memory. Linguists are impressed by the rich grammatical details that natural languages follow. There is now abundant evidence that speakers and comprehenders show fine-grained control over these details during moment-bymoment speaking and understanding, but how do they do this? To make matters more interesting, much recent research provides compelling evidence that language users make use of domain-general memory access mechanisms to retrieve words and phrases and to form linguistic dependencies during comprehension. But these domain-general mechanisms, which access information based primarily on content, are not straightforwardly compatible with pervasive constraints that focus primarily on structural configurations. I will discuss the memory mechanisms, the linguistic constraints, the current evidence on how to reconcile them, and key questions for future research.
Issues on the acquisition of pronouns
Maria Lobo and Ana Madeira – NOVA CLUNL, NOVA FCSH
Abstract: The course will address the acquisition of different types of pronouns – clitics, null and strong pronouns – in a crosslinguistic perspective, considering L1 monolingual and bilingual acquisition and L2 acquisition. We will consider similarities and differences between languages and how the morpho-syntactic status of pronouns and language-specific properties condition their acquisition path. The following phenomena will be covered: clitic production and omission, clitic placement, interpretation of clitic, strong and null pronouns.
Linguística do Texto e do Discurso
Textuality, discursivity and figuration: several theoretical and methodological approaches and their educational implications
Jean-Paul Bronckart and Ecaterina Bulea-Bronckart – Université de Genève
Abstract: (1) General approach of the text in the sociodiscursive interactionism framework (SDI) compared with the approach of the French school of Discourse Analysis. (2) The model of the textual architecture proposed by the SDI, and (3) analysis of the status of the « discourse types » and their structural and functional properties. (4) The principles of text didactics and its relation with didactics of language. (5) The role of text mastery on psychological development.
Text Linguistics and language teaching
Joaquim Dolz – Université de Genève
Abstract: This course has a triple goal: a) to analyze corpus of texts belonging to a particular text genre in order to identify the main features that can be taught and to constitute, consequently, genre didactic models in Portuguese; b) to evaluate written assignments in Portuguese produced by student’s with different ages in order to identify language capacities and learning constraints; c) to elaborate teaching devices about text genres, according with the two previous stages.
Portuguese Forms & Constructions
Teresa Brocardo, Clara Nunes Correia and Manuel Luís Costa – NOVA CLUNL, NOVA FCSH
Abstract: In this seminar the functioning and diachrony of a number of Portuguese forms and constructions will be described and analyzed, focusing on the morphological and non-morphological marking of various linguistic categories (tense, aspect, modality). We will start with the discussion of the ‘form / construction’ contrast, and we will concentrate in particular in the interaction of different types of markers and operators for the expression of semantic values. The adequacy of distinct proposals for the framing of synchronic and diachronic processes will also be discussed.
Terminologia e Lexicografia
Terminology, Knowledge Representation and Ontology
Christophe Roche – Université de Savoie Mont-Blanc
Abstract: Terminology is a scientific discipline, which relies both on Knowledge Theory and Linguistics. Insofar there is no Terminology without specialised knowledge as well as there is no term without concept – a term is a “verbal designation of a general concept in a specific domain” [ISO 1087-1] – this course will focus on the Knowledge dimension of Terminology.
After the presentation of two terminology-oriented IT applications (a specialized dictionary and a multilingual semantic search engine for content management system), the first part will introduce to Terminology and its principles highlighting the double dimension of Terminology, linguistic and conceptual. The study of texts from the Logic of Port Royal, Leibniz, Locke, Condillac, Lavoisier, and Frege will enable to understand the scientific foundations of Terminology and the importance of formal languages, i.e. Logic, for Terminology.
The second part will be devoted to Knowledge Theory through the study of epistemological principals for understanding the world and organizing the objects which populate it. Such principles lead to define notions like object, concept, class, attributes, relations, etc. These “categories of thought” requires specific languages dedicated to knowledge representation, for instances Logic and languages coming from Artificial Intelligence. Most of these languages are computer readable and thereby allow operationalization of terminologies for IT applications: computer aided translation, content management systems, multilingual semantic search, knowledge management, etc.
Note: The course will be illustrated by examples taken from industrial applications. ISO 1087-1. 2000. Terminology work – Vocabulary – Part 1: Theory and application. Geneva: International Standards Organisation.
Semantic Classes and Categories
Xavier Blanco Escoda – Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
1. Semantic formalization: basic notions
2. Semantic classes:
2.1 Facts
2.1.1 Actions;
2.1.2 Events;
2.1.3 States
2.2 Entities
2.2.1 Artefacts;
2.2.2. Natural entities
3. Semantic categories:
3.1 Time
3.2 Space
3.3 Quantification
3.4 Utterance-Enunciation relationships
4. Applications in lexicography, terminology, translation, language teaching/learning, natural language processing.
ISO 1087-1. 2000. Terminology work – Vocabulary – Part 1: Theory and application. Geneva: International Standards Organisation.
Terminology, Lexicography and Metalexicography
Rute Costa, Teresa Lino – NOVA CLUNL, NOVA FCSH – and Jean Pruvost – Université Cergy-Pontoise
Abstract: The aim of this seminar is to provide a reflexion on recent Terminology theories. We will present terminological analysis methodologies: conceptual perspective; approaches based on specialized corpora. In the scope of contemporary lexicography and dictionary making, we shall approach the new trends regarding lexical description in general lexicography, specialized lexicography, and dictionary making for special purposes. The main objective of metalexicography is to analyse lexicography from a critical perspective, exploring the lexicon and lexical culture through the study of dictionary macro- and micro-structures.
Linguística Cognitiva
Multimodal Communication and Cognition: Language, Metaphors, and Gestures
Vito Evola – NOVA FCSH
Abstract: Spoken language provides an insight into how people think, and it is but one modality humans use to communicate. This course will present fundamentals of Cognitive Linguistics and Gesture Studies, with a focus on the interaction of language, gesture and the mind.
Particular attention will be dedicated to how the metaphors used in everyday life influence, not only the “quality” of our speech, but also the way we think and the way we behave in our societies. Empirical data will be shown included from the domains of forensic linguistics, psychotherapy, and anthropological linguistics.
The goal of this course is to motivate students towards multimodal linguistic analyses (speech and gesture) as an insight into speakers\’ minds and societies, as well as to provide theoretical and practical tools for conducting such investigations (e.g. how to elicit, collect and analyze multimodal data).
1. Language and thought
2. Language, culture, and mind
3. Conceptual metaphors and frames
4. Gestures and language
5. Incorporating the concepts in your own research
A Lisbon Summer School and Graduate Conference in Linguistics vai realizar-se na Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas da Universidade NOVA de Lisboa, Avenida de Berna, 26 C, 1069-061, Lisboa, Portugal.
Cada curso: 90€
Estudantes a frequentar Programas Doutorais de Linguística ou Tradução e Terminologia da NOVA FCSH: GRATUITO
Estudantes a frequentar outros Programas Doutorais da Universidade NOVA de Lisboa: 1.º curso – GRATUITO; outros cursos: 50€ cada
A inscrição é efetuada através do envio de um email para o endereço em que conste a seguinte informação:
Curso(s) que deseja frequentar
Após a inscrição, o aluno será informado de como efetuar o pagamento. A inscrição só será considerada validada após o envio da prova de pagamento.
As inscrições estão abertas até ao dia 20 de junho.
Veja algumas sugestões de alojamento nos seguintes links::
Hotel Príncipe Lisboa
Av. Duque de Ávila n. 201, 1050-082 Lisboa
SANA Executive Hotel
Av. Conde de Valbom, n. 56, 1050-069 Lisboa
VIP Inn Berna Hotel
Av. António Serpa, n. 13, 1069-199 Lisboa
VIP Executive Zurique Hotel
Rua Ivone Silva, n. 18, 1050-124 Lisboa
Hotel Ibis Lisboa Saldanha
Av. Casal Ribeiro n. 23, 1000-090 Lisboa
Hotel Italia
Av. Visconde Valmor, n. 67, 1050-239 Lisboa
A Lisbon Summer School in Linguistics encerrará com uma conferência para a qual todos os alunos graduados estão convidados a submeter resumos para apresentação oral nos vários subdomínios da linguística.
Resumos dedicados aos temas (i) psicolinguística e gramática generativa, (ii) terminologia e lexicografia, (iii) linguística do texto e do discurso são particularmente bem-vindos.
Aos trabalhos aceites serão atribuídos 20 minutos para apresentação e 10 minutos para discussão, em língua inglesa.
Para participar, deverá submeter um resumo em língua inglesa do seu trabalho.
Os resumos devem ter, no máximo, uma página A4 com margens de uma polegada e fonte de tamanho 12. Uma segunda página é permitida para o envio de dados e referências.
Os resumos devem ser anónimos e enviados via e-mail como anexo em PDF para o seguinte endereço:
O arquivo PDF deverá ser titulado com o sobrenome do primeiro autor (por exemplo, Saussure.pdf), o Assunto do e-mail deverá referir “Summer School Abstract” e as informações listadas seguidamente deverão constar no corpo da mensagem:
1. Nome(s) do(s) autor(es)
2. Título da apresentação
3. Área
4. Afiliação
5. Endereço de email
6. Número de fax do autor principal
7. Endereço postal do autor principal
Deverá ainda indicar se o resumo deve ser considerado para apresentação oral ou poster. Os autores podem enviar até dois resumos, um individual e um em coautoria ou, alternativamente, dois em coautoria.
Datas importantes
Prazo para submissão de resumos: 6 de maio
Notificação de aceitação: 6 de junho
Data da Conferência: 9 de julho