Conferência aberta: “Acoustic Prosodic Features in Children with Autism”

O grupo de investigação LiFE do NOVA CLUNL tem o prazer de convidar para a conferência aberta Acoustic Prosodic Features in Children with Autism com a Professora Aya Awwad (Birzeit University).

A conferência vai realizar-se na NOVA FCSH, Campus da Av. Berna (sala B617), no dia 10 de março, pelas 16h00, e é de participação livre, estando aberta a um público amplo, não especialista.

Based on a case study, the lecture will discuss how the speech of children with autism spectrum disorders and typically developing children differ in terms of acoustic parameters such as pitch, duration, and intensity based on four language expression tasks that test the production of grammatical, pragmatic, and affective prosody. The lecture will also discuss how these differences in acoustic prosodic features translate into perception by non-clinically trained listeners.