University Extension Courses

Costa, Rute

2020 – Scientific Coordination and Teaching of the summer course “A Terminologia ao serviço das Humanidades Digitais: metodologias e aplicações” [15 hours] within the Escola de Verão 2020 of the School of Social Sciences and Humanities of NOVA University Lisbon, 31 Aug. to a 4 Sep. [Lecturers: Rute Costa, Bruno Almeida.]

2020 – Scientific Coordination and Teaching of the summer course “Terminologia para a saúde e transformação digital: desafios e oportunidades” [15 hours] within the Escola de Verão 2020 of the School of Social Sciences and Humanities of NOVA University Lisbon, 27-31 July [Lecturers: Rute Costa, Sara Carvalho.]

2019 – Scientific Coordination and Teaching of the summer course “Termino-Logic: Logic for terminological purposes” [15 hours] within the Escola de Verão 2019 of the School of Social Sciences and Humanities of NOVA University Lisbon, 2-6 Sep. [Lecturers: Christophe Roche, Rute Costa.]

2019 – Scientific Coordination and Teaching of the summer course “Terminologia de A a Z: saber organizar, construir e definir | Terminology from A to Z: how to organize, build and define” [15 hours] within the Escola de Verão 2019 of the School of Social Sciences and Humanities of NOVA University Lisbon, 22-26 July. [Lecturers: Rute Costa, Raquel Silva, Sara Carvalho.]

2018 – Scientific Coordination and Teaching of the summer course “Terminologia de A a Z: saber organizar, construir e definir | Terminology from A to Z: how to organize, build and define” [15 hours] within the Escola de Verão 2018 of the School of Social Sciences and Humanities of NOVA University Lisbon, September. [Lecturers: Rute Costa, Raquel Silva, Sara Carvalho.]

2017 – Scientific Coordination and Teaching of the summer course “Terminology: a matter of words, a matter of things” [15 hours] within the Escola de Verão 2017 of the School of Social Sciences and Humanities of NOVA University Lisbon, 4-8 Sep. [Scientific Coordination: Rute Costa and Christophe Roche.]

2015 – Advanced training course “ENeL Training School 2015 on Standard tools and methods for retro-digitizing dictionaries”, School of Social Sciences and Humanities of NOVA University Lisbon, July (more information).

2012 – Advanced training “Ferramentas e fontes de informação terminológica” [4 hours] within the III Encontro de Tradutores da Administração Pública – Tradução na Administração Pública: uma visão prática, organized by Assembly of the Republic and the Prosecution Service of the Portuguese Republic, Lisboa, May. [Scientific Coordination: Rute Costa and Raquel Silva].

2012 – Scientific Coordination of the summer course “Projeto de tradução de contratos: uma questão de terminologia (Inglês – Português)” [18 hours] within the Escola de Verão 2012 of the School of Social Sciences and Humanities of NOVA University Lisbon, July. [Scientific Coordination: Rute Costa. Lecturers: Zara Almeida and Susana Valdez.]

2010 – Advanced training course “A importância da definição para a preservação da informação” [16 hours] to the Direção-Geral de Arquivos (DGARQ), Ministry of Culture, 20-21 April [Scientific Coordination: Rute Costa and Raquel Silva.]

2009 – Advanced training “Semântica e Interoperabilidade” [6 hours] to the Direção-Geral de Arquivos (DGARQ), Ministry of Culture, 16 Nov. [Scientific Coordination: Rute Costa.]

2009 – Advanced training course “Linguistique de corpus: constitution et traitement des corpus de spécialité” [12 hours], within the 8ème Journées Scientifiques du Réseau de Chercheurs Lexicologie, Terminologie et Traduction, Langue Française, Diversité Culturelle et Linguistique. 13-14 Oct. [Scientific Coordination: Rute Costa, Manuel Célio Conceição and Raquel Silva.]

2008 – Advanced training course “Relações conceptuais e reformulação de definições” [30 hours] within the protocol signed between the Instituto Nacional de Estatísticas (Statistics Portugal) and CLUNL, February. [Scientific Coordination: Rute Costa and Raquel Silva.]

2007 – Seminar “Dos dicionários de papel aos dicionários electrónicos” within the Summer Training Course for Portuguese Teachers in France, July.

2006 – Summer course “Terminologia e Informática” within the Escola de Verão 2006 of the School of Social Sciences and Humanities of NOVA University Lisbon.

2006 – Advanced training course “Workshop Relações conceptuais e reformulação de definições” [30 hours] to the staff of the Instituto Nacional de Estatísticas (Statistics Portugal), Lisboa, June. Collaboration of Raquel Silva.

2006 – Advanced training course “Workshop Definição e outros conceitos” [30 hours] to the staff of the Instituto Nacional de Estatísticas (Statistics Portugal), Lisboa, November. [Collaboration of Raquel Silva and Susana Duarte Martins.]

2006 – Advanced training course “Definição e outros Conceitos” [16 hours], within the project “Sistemas Conceptuais e Terminologias no Instituto Nacional de Estatística”, 23 and 30 November. [Scientific Coordination: Rute Costa and Raquel Silva.]

2006 – Training course “Introdução de dados em Base de dados e gestão de conteúdos” to Assembly of the Republic’s personnel within the project Base de Dados Terminológica e Textual para a Assembleia da República (Textual and Terminological Database for the Portuguese Parliament), Lisboa, February. [Collaboration between the Linguistics Research Centre of the Universidade NOVA de Lisboa and the Assembly of the Republic. Project funded by the Assembly of the Republic (DBTT-AR/CLUNL). Scientific Coordination: Rute Costa.]

2005 – Training courses “Conceitos linguísticos e conceitos para o tratamento semi-automático da língua” and “Hyperbase e Base de dados” to Assembly of the Republic’s personnel within the project Base de Dados Terminológica e Textual para a Assembleia da República (Textual and Terminological Database for the Portuguese Parliament), Lisboa, October. [Collaboration between the Linguistics Research Centre of NOVA University Lisbon and the Assembly of the Republic. Project funded by the Assembly of the Republic (DBTT-AR/CLUNL). Scientific Coordination: Rute Costa.]

2005 – Terminology training course to Assembly of the Republic’s personnel within the project Base de Dados Terminológica e Textual para a Assembleia da República (Textual and Terminological Database for the Portuguese Parliament), Lisboa, April. [Collaboration between the Linguistics Research Centre of NOVA University Lisbon and the Assembly of the Republic. Project funded by the Assembly of the Republic (DBTT-AR/CLUNL). Scientific Coordination: Rute Costa.]

2005 – Seminar “Metodologias em Terminologia”, Instituto de Engenharia de Sistemas e Computadores, Lisboa, November.

2005 – Seminar “Terminologia e Tradução”, Universidade de Aveiro, May.

2005 – Seminar “Terminologia e Tradução”, Instituto Superior de Contabilidade e de Administração do Porto, Porto, March.

2005 – Seminar “Terminologia Linguística: Semântica Lexical e Lexicografia”, at the invitation of Ana Cristina Julião, Escola Secundária Manuel Cargaleiro, Lisboa, November.

2005 – Seminar “Terminologia e Tradução”, at the invitation of Maria Teresa Roberto, within the II Jornadas de Tradução e Terminologia, Department of Languages and Cultures, Universidade de Aveiro, May.

2003 – Seminar “Da terminologia normativa à terminologia textual”, Instituto Teórico e Computacional (ILTEC), Lisboa, October.

2003 – Seminar “Da terminologia normativa à terminologia textual” within the “Curso de Especialização em Tradução” (CET), “Centro Inter-universitário de Estudos Germanísticos” (CIEG), Lisboa, January.

2003 – Advanced training “Dos dicionários de papel aos dicionários electrónicos” [3 hours], at the invitation of Maria de Lourdes Crispim, within the Summer Training Course for Portuguese Teachers in France, July.

2003 – Seminar “Da terminologia normativa à terminologia textual”, at the invitation of Maria António Hörster, within the Curso de Especialização em Tradução (CET), Centro Inter-universitário de Estudos Germanísticos (CIEG), January.

Dechamps, Christina

2017 – Scientific Coordination and Teaching of the summer course “Tradução jurídica português-francês / francês-português” [15 horas] within the Escola de Verão 2017 of the School of Social Sciences and Humanities of NOVA University Lisbon, July.

Duarte Martins, Susana

2019 – Teaching of the summer course “Léxico: Línguas para fins específicos e Dicionários de aprendizagem” [25 hours], within the Escola de Verão 2019 of the School of Social Sciences and Humanities of NOVA University Lisbon,8-12 July. [Scientific Coordination: Teresa Lino.]

Lino, Teresa

2019 – Scientific Coordination and Teaching of the summer course “Léxico:Línguas para fins específicos e Dicionários de aprendizagem” [25 hours] within the Escola de Verão 2019 of the School of Social Sciences and Humanities of NOVA University Lisbon, 8-12 July [Teachers: Teresa Lino, Olga Heitor, Sílvia Pais Barbosa, Susana Duarte Martins.]

2016 – Scientific Coordination and Teaching of the summer course “Línguas para fins específicos  e  Dicionarística  de  aprendizagem” within the Escola de Verão 2016 of the School of Social Sciences and Humanities of NOVA University Lisbon.

2015 – Scientific Coordination and Teaching of the summer course “Neologia(s) e Ensino da Língua materna, segunda e estrangeira” within the Escola de Verão 2015 of the School of Social Sciences and Humanities of NOVA University Lisbon.

2014 – Scientific Coordination and Teaching of the summer course “Léxico e Ensino de Línguas para fins específicos (Língua materna, segunda e estrangeira)” within the Escola de Verão 2014 of the School of Social Sciences and Humanities of NOVA University Lisbon.

2012 – Scientific Coordination and Teaching of the summer course “Léxico, Dicionário, Ortografia e Ensino” within the Escola de Verão 2012 of the School of Social Sciences and Humanities of NOVA University Lisbon.

2010 – Scientific Coordination and Teaching of the summer course “Léxico, Dicionário e Ensino” within the Escola de Verão 2010 of the School of Social Sciences and Humanities of NOVA University Lisbon.

2009 – Scientific Coordination and Teaching of the summer course “Léxico, Dicionário e Ensino” within the Escola de Verão 2009 of the School of Social Sciences and Humanities of NOVA University Lisbon.

2008 – Scientific Coordination and Teaching of the summer course “Léxico e Dicionários Electrónicos” within the Escola de Verão 2008 of the School of Social Sciences and Humanities of NOVA University Lisbon.

2006 – Scientific Coordination and Teaching of the summer course “Léxico e Dicionários” within the Escola de Verão 2006 of the School of Social Sciences and Humanities of NOVA University Lisbon.

2003 – Scientific Coordination and Teaching of the seminar “Polissemia e Sinonímia em Terminologia”, within the course “Terminologia no Outono”, ILTEC – Faculdade de Letras, Universidade de Lisboa, October.

Silva, Raquel

2019 – Teaching of the summer course “Terminologia de A a Z: saber organizar, construir e definir | Terminology from A to Z: how to organize, build and define” [15 hours], with the collaboration of Sara Carvalho, within the Escola de Verão 2019 of the School of Social Sciences and Humanities of NOVA University Lisbon, 22-26 July. [Scientific Coordination: Rute Costa.]

2018 – Teaching of the summer course “Terminologia de A a Z: saber organizar, construir e definir | Terminology from A to Z: how to organize, build and define” [15 hours], with the collaboration of Sara Carvalho, within the Escola de Verão 2018 of the School of Social Sciences and Humanities of NOVA University Lisbon, September. [Scientific Coordination: Rute Costa.]

2006 – Teaching of the summer course “Terminologia e Informática” within the Escola de Verão 2006 of the School of Social Sciences and Humanities of NOVA University Lisbon, July. [Scientific Coordination: Rute Costa.]

2006 – Advanced training course “Workshop Relações conceptuais e reformulação de definições” [30 hours] to the staff of the Instituto Nacional de Estatísticas (Statistics Portugal), Lisboa, June. [Scientific Coordination: Rute Costa.]

2006 – Advanced training course “Workshop Definição e outros conceitos” [30 hours] to the staff of the Instituto Nacional de Estatísticas (Statistics Portugal), Lisboa, November. [Scientific Coordination: Rute Costa.]

2006 – Training course “Introdução de dados em Base de dados e gestão de conteúdos” to Assembly of the Republic’s personnel within the project Base de Dados Terminológica e Textual para a Assembleia da República (Textual and Terminological Database for the Portuguese Parliament), Lisboa, February. [Collaboration between the Linguistics Research Centre of the Universidade NOVA de Lisboa and the Assembly of the Republic. Project funded by the Assembly of the Republic (DBTT-AR/CLUNL). Scientific Coordination: Rute Costa.]

2005 – Training courses: “Conceitos linguísticos e conceitos para o tratamento semi-automático da língua” and “Hyperbase e Base de dados” to Assembly of the Republic’s personnel within the project Base de Dados Terminológica e Textual para a Assembleia da República (Textual and Terminological Database for the Portuguese Parliament), Lisboa, October. [Collaboration between the Linguistics Research Centre of NOVA University Lisbon and the Assembly of the Republic. Project funded by the Assembly of the Republic (DBTT-AR/CLUNL). Scientific Coordination: Rute Costa.]

2005 – Terminology training course to Assembly of the Republic’s personnel within the project Base de Dados Terminológica e Textual para a Assembleia da República (Textual and Terminological Database for the Portuguese Parliament), Lisboa, April. [Collaboration between the Linguistics Research Centre of NOVA University Lisbon and the Assembly of the Republic. Project funded by the Assembly of the Republic (DBTT-AR/CLUNL). Scientific Coordination: Rute Costa.]